How would you like to live in a building that says:
"Grateful for Communist Party"
"Grateful for Chairman" (general secretary Xi)
"General Secretary Xi Jinping takes the people as the core of his development ideas."
So says neutral observer Wang Xiangming, the deputy director of "People's University Xi Jinping New Era Socialism with Chinese Characteristics Research Institute"
This "New Era" biz is a mouthful, but it purportedly explains everything good that's happening in China, and oh, and did I mention?
It's the idea of Xi Jinping!
CCTV anchors are under pressure to smile whenever talking about all the good things Xi has brought to China.
It's all thanks to having Xi Jinping as the helmsman...
Real sailors and real helmsman at sea follow the directions of landlubber helmsman Xi Jinping
Even the birds are singing praise?
Bumper harvests
CCTV keeps blaming US for Africa food shortfalls, so maybe China can help out?
Abundance in abundance
China has comprehensive libraries.
-Are those bookshelves half full or half empty?
Huge crowds gather around the Coliseum in Rome to celebrate China's National Day!!!
Actually it's the embassy staff working overtime.
World leaders from many countries, including East Timor, sing praise of Xi Jinping's leadership.
Russia's Defense Ministry explains that it only strikes military targets and does so with precision weapons.
Russian copter, Ukraine missile launcher
And now the obligatory "US weapons are fanning the flames."
Oh, say. Can't you see?
Russia is this peaceful scenic place just trying to mind it's own business and the US made them do it.
"The eastward expansion of NATO is the root cause of the conflict"
Europeans have one finger on the thermostat
(the other finger pointing at the US for causing all their troubles)
The "bad news from bad countries" (TM) brought to you by popular demand, today features the staggering US national debt.
But let's not fret, dear viewer. China loves itself so much it closes the daily news program with a montage of postcard perfect pictures to the tune of
"I love you China."
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