Thierry de Pauw Profile picture
Chief Imposter Officer, Engineer, shy, introvert, opinionated, sometimes speaker, reviews stuff of others

Oct 7, 2022, 14 tweets

Continuous Improvement by the numbers and the culture @lazallen and Ramsay Ashby #lascot

Literature about the subject

Measurement is hard!

@lazallen #lascot

DORA Metrics

make sense but also have their limitations

We are not looking at the whole value stream

We want to look at the whole value stream. Often they are not simple.

@lazallen #lascot

So, which metrics?

Flow Time = cycle time at epic or story level

Flow Load = work in progress

Flow Efficiency = %!time a story spends in blocks state

Flow Velocity = just velocity

Flow Distribution = …

@lazallen #lascot

Proving the concept -> started small

Could have used JIRA but used Excel

Manually collected data

Weekly reviews and discussions

2 teams

4 key questions

@lazallen #lascot

Insight: reducing epic WIP + efficiency

@lazallen #lascot

Evaluating tools?

Principles of supplier selection

Teams vs CxO

We didn’t want any “magic”

We didn’t want to have how the teams work to use the tool

We didn’t want to have a bunch of consulting in order to proof the tool

=> tool: Plandek

@lazallen #lascot

Proving it can scale

10 engaged teams

2 month trial

Engagement droooed almost immediately

Only 1 or 2 people attended the weekly call

Added more engaged team leads

@lazallen #lascot

Landing it across engineering

We needed to pivot

@lazallen #lascot

It’s not a tool, it’s a culture!

@lazallen #lascot

The default process:
education - proactive support - reactive support

but …

- not everyone attends training
- vocal detractors
- difficult to spot where it has landed
- one-time thing

@lazallen #lascot

What we did instead

@lazallen #lascot

Feedback from team leads

@lazallen #lascot

Take away notes

- roll out should he culture fit
- focus at team level first
- focus on whole value stream, not just the coding
- start small, think sustainable

@lazallen #lascot

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