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Pop-up events in February with Jojo Moyes and Pollyanna Wilkinson

Oct 8, 2022, 13 tweets

It’s day 8 #hlf2022 & we have lots of brilliant events for adults & children, in-person & online! 🧵
At 10am neurologist & Radio 4 presenter @guy_lesch is in conversation with @Bidisha_online
🎟 henleyliteraryfestival.co.uk/whats-on/guy-l…
💻 henleyliteraryfestival.co.uk/whats-on/guy-l…

Perfect for ages 5+ Katherine Rundell joins us at 10am with The Zebra’s 🦓 Great Escape

Melvyn Bragg in conversation with @kavpuri at 12pm is sold out but you can check with the box office for returns or join us online

At 12pm at the @gowercottage stage at Henley Town Hall Small’s Big Dream with @ManjeetMann & @amandaq_art is perfect for ages three and up

We are just slightly excited to welcome THE @LennyHenry to the Festival at 2pm for a special family event where he will be joined by @LeahBoleto & a BSL interpreter
In-person 🎟 henleyliteraryfestival.co.uk/whats-on/sir-l…
Online wherever you are 💻 henleyliteraryfestival.co.uk/whats-on/sir-l…

At 2pm as party conference season draws to a close @IainDale @RabinaKhan & join @Bidisha_online to discuss their books and the slightly eventful last few months in politics
🎟 henleyliteraryfestival.co.uk/whats-on/iain-…
💻 henleyliteraryfestival.co.uk/whats-on/iain-…

Have a roarsome time at 4pm with Dragon Realm creators @kwebberwrites & Kevin Tsang!


At 4pm Katherine Rundell joins Daniel Hahn to discuss her fascinating bestiary of the world’s most extraordinary endangered animals


At 5.30pm it’s the second free, bite-sized @laithwaites Wine Down with special guests @PurdyMusicTv & @CescaMajor

This evening at @kentontheatre & online wherever you are the music icon @PPArnold1 is in conversation with Andy Miller
🎟 henleyliteraryfestival.co.uk/whats-on/p-p-a…
💻 henleyliteraryfestival.co.uk/whats-on/p-p-a…

And then at 8.30pm to close off the @kentontheatre busiest week of the year, we welcome back Festival favourite Craig Brown
🎟 henleyliteraryfestival.co.uk/whats-on/craig…
💻 henleyliteraryfestival.co.uk/whats-on/craig…

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