Gaurav Sabnis Profile picture
Hum bolega to bologe ke bolta hai! Food, travel, nature, history, astronomy, and marketing. Associate Professor @stevensbusiness. Opinions personall He/Him.

Oct 8, 2022, 10 tweets

We've had our first big tree fall and it needs to be cleared.

With our goal to keep #OurWawar's carbon footprint minimal, I don't want to go straight to an electric chainsaw. Wanna try a good old tree saw, build muscles also.

Any recommendations for non mechanical saws?

Axe I already have. But apparently saws are faster for a fallen tree use case

Trying out these two saws, one by one. Both are decent. It'll be a good workout all day. Clear out this fallen Ash tree from that path.

The Marathi punster in me wants to do this all night so I can say करवते बदलते रहे सारी रात हम 🤭🤭

Great success! This is such an enjoyable workout!

And further great success. Walkable path.

This wood is so nice! One of my recent bucket list items is to learn woodworking and make a chess set out of #OurWawar wood.

Mission accomplished!

My arms are going to be so sore tomorrow, lol.

First sawed with saw then axed with axe. Upper body workout plus quality wood. Will mostly be used as firewood.

But I really need to learn woodworking! There is so much high quality wood just lying around.

As a boy, I used to whine sooo much when dad collared me to help with things like cutting wood, sanding it, hammering it, working with all kinds of tools, painting the house, basic electric work etc.

Now I'm so thankful for those years that made me baseline handy.

Haha, a friend saw this thread and sent this video. Most apt!

Chilly fall day at #OurWawar and we are turning the Ash into ash.

It's so soothing and hypnotic just staring into the fire, noting the different currents of the flames, the dance of yellow, orange, and red.…

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