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Oct 9, 2022, 21 tweets

Things no one is talking about regarding the @RTFKT #Animus video -- a 🧵--> 1/18

Let's start with the narrative framework: "Project: Animus" -- for those familiar, #CloneX Mint Vials began as "Project: Akira" and suggests to us that the #RTFKT 🥚will be similar in function to Mint Vials -- blind gashapons.

If you aren't familiar with blind gashapons, take a read of our recent thread that breaks down the game theory behind this popular web3 minting schema used by #CloneX and @voltz_me among other standout projects in the space.

"Animus" is also a pretty dark term referring to an inner driving force that is often primal, animalistic (hint hint), and relating to the "Id" of Freudian psychology.

In psychology, "Animus" is in binary opposition to "Anima," which is less about driving force and more about profound presence of being. True essence of self as opposed to the *representation* of self.

This leads us to ask, what is the Anima that the #Animus is counter to? Many speculated that it's the #CloneX avatars, but it doesn't necessarily need to be. From @RTFKTConne's early lore, the "true soul" might not be the Clone, but the Homo sapiens behind the clone (a.k.a. YOU!)

In ancient witchcraft folklore (we promise this is going somewhere lmao), witches and warlocks could create, summon, and control entities known as "familiars," oftentimes built from their very own souls. They were, quite literally, "animus companions."

The "combativeness" inherent in the term "Animus" may also suggest (as others have speculated) some kind of Pokemon-style battler mechanic. Though we hope not to see "Shark Bro" pound on "Not-a-Koda" anytime soon 😅

We may see a similar dynamic arise from #ProjectAnimus, where one's Clone DNA and web3 choices (👀) inform the development or evolution of companion creatures -- the expression of the true self through web3 avatars.

Anybody remember #Tamagotchi from the 90s? Featuring a distinctly egg-shaped controller, these were the O.G. digital companions, which required regular interaction in order to keep a digital creature "alive." We're kinda surprised no one has picked up on this yet 😅

With a prior emphasis on genetics and the recent interstellar teasing done by #RTFKT, we expect some kind of evolution mechanism to be employed in Project #Animus. Not all planets are suitable habitats for all lifeforms, after all -- some will need to adapt to survive🧬🧬🧬

Note the branding on Shark Bro's flak jacket. It's quite similar in style to the BLCK TCTL Vest trait from the #CloneX collection. There are lots of questions this raises, but it seems to confirm that #Animus will be fashion-centric in typical #RTFKT fashion.

It is important to note that, in project lore, RTFKT is not a web3 brand as we understand it today, but an interstellar organization that aims to "accelerate our evolution toward an immaterial existence," so Shark Bro might not be repping a brand, he could be an employee 🦈💼.

There's been some focus on the crescent moon drip that Not-a-Koda is wearing, but let's not forget the #RTFKT shirt, cargo pants, and shoes he's rocking. Everybody is definitely going to be decking out their companions in drip lol.

Going back to Not-a-Koda, one of the most notable behaviors it engages in is its "springing" when it begins to follow the Clone and Shark Bro. #RTFKT is great at nuanced animation, and the way Not-a-Koda leaps potentially hints at some kind of anti-gravity ability.

Take a look at the animation -- there's a gentleness or slowness to the way Not-a-Koda leaps and falls to the ground that is absent from the physics that characterize the way Shark Bro and the Clone move.

Co-founder @benitopagotto's quick focus on the "🥚 JCKT" also gives confidence that at least the jacket worn by the Clone will be available as a digital wearable (potentially with forging) in the future.

This gives us reasonable confidence that future #RTFKT fashion SZNs will include #Animus clothing. And why shouldn't it? Americans spent ~15 billion (with a B!) in 2018 on pet accessories. RTFKT is poised to convert a chunk of that into a digital market.…

@dannyron_eth also made an interesting connection between the number of eggs visible in the final frames of the teaser and a Discord post made by @benitopagotto.

11 is an intriguing number that has no obvious connection to existing #RTFKT IP, except...

...our team noted that there are 11 "Accessory" (earring) traits in the #CloneX collection that represent > 2% rarity. The "PTRA Earring(s)" has/have a striking resemblance to the #Animus Egg.

That's it for now! What's your favorite #ProjectAnimus theory? Great job in engaging the community, @RTFKT -- looking forward to more data to analyze 🫡

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