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Oct 9, 2022, 27 tweets

1) In today's market it's increasingly difficult to select high quality cryptocurrencies.

Most fade away and as such we need to search for the best fundamentals.

A thread on $CWEB and why you should take a look at this cryptocurrency.

Read on 🧵👇

@CoinwebOfficial #Coinweb

2) Although cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology has become increasingly popular the last few years, truth is the industry is still in its infancy.

For REAL adoption to occur (we haven't) this technology needs to be universally useful.

3) There are 4 big problems that still plague this industry today.

• Blockchains can't work together.
• Inconsistent data.
• Limited scalability.
• Real world isolation.

If we can't solve these problems the industry won't see global scale adoption.

What if someone has?


Coinweb's mission is to make blockchain technology universally useful.

One of the ways it wants to achieve this is through their "decentralized cloud".

This plugs and connects multiple blockchains, integrate traditional industries and employ powerful dApps.


Unless we are using a centralized exchange there is no way to trade tokens on different chains against each other without a solution.

Blockchains natively can't communicate with each other.

6) Coinweb uses "reactive smart contracts".

If a buyer pays for a token on the ethereum blockchain (erc20 tokens) using Bitcoin, a Coinweb Reactive Smart Contract monitors the payment on the Bitcoin chain.

It automatically transfers the corresponding tokens on Ethereum.

7) Coinweb also introduces something what they call "Token shield".

This makes exploits a thing of the past and is extremely important with all of the "Bridging hacks" happening lately.


Coinweb's Delay Graph removes the threat of reorganizations by delaying information sent to other blockchains.

This allows it to reliably synchronize data across blockchains.


Older blockchains are extremely inefficient because they require every single node to process every single transaction.

It makes it slow, expensive and practically impossible to run more advanced dApps looking to compete with Netflix or Instagram.

10) Coinweb’s Inchain Architecture allows developers to shard different components of an application and spread them optimally over different blockchains and the decentralized Coinweb processing layer.

This allows developers to run much more advanced decentralized applications.


Crypto is still isolated from other industries because it’s difficult to exchange fiat money with cryptocurrencies on nearly every platform.

This is due to a very complex and evolving global regulatory environment.

12) Coinweb has made significant investments to secure its own licenses and fiat rails.

Projects building on top of Coinweb can simply use their licenses and fiat rails without incurring the costs of obtaining their own.

13) Coinweb’s "decentralized cloud" also offers some unique advantages to developers so they can compete with the best apps of today.

It also allows centralized apps to easily acces blockchain features.

Let's take a look at some of these advantages 👇


The Cloud’s cross-chain routing system constantly monitors the performance of underlying chains.

This allows developers to seamlessly move their applications from one chain to another should one become too expensive, slow, or have a catastrophic failure.

15) Devs can also spread their applications over the most suitable chains.

Use the security of ethereum and the scalability of Fantom to achieve the perfect dApp.

Being an enormous fan of interopability this is probability one of my favorites.


Many web developers can’t develop dApps because it requires them to learn new blockchain-specific programming languages.

The Cloud allows coders to develop their apps using popular programming languages, like Javascript and compile these to WASM.

17) This allows thousands of experienced coders to start developing decentralized applications and make these dApps much more compatible with the browsers, phones and applications we use in our daily lives.

18) Coinweb it's first 3 products are scheduled to be finished by the end of 2022.

• The coinbase web wallet that allows anyone to create tokens and send, receive and trade them with others.

• The tokenization platform allowing users to turn regular assets into tokens.

19) Multi-tenancy wallets that allow organisation's to create their own branded wallet.

After this they are looking to introduce the next batch of products in the upcoming years.

See the image below 👇


CWEB is a unique blockchain agnostic token, embedded into multiple underlying chains via the Coinweb protocol.

It can move freely between all connected chains.

It's economic purpose is highlighted in the image below 👇


The total and maximum token supply of CWEB tokens is 7,680,000,000.

The current circulating supply is 1.6 billion with the total amount being release over a span of 4 years in total.

See the exact schedule of all founders and partners below 👇

22) TEAM

Coinweb is backed by an experienced team.

• The CEO founded multiple startups Before.
• The CTO recognized for his incredible thesis on hardware.
• The CFO previously holding positions are major companies.

Check the full list below 👇


It's always important to follow up what's been done and achieved already and what's next.

Most of the foundation has been finished and released.

The next year's we'll be seeing the products go live and adoption ready.


On paper coinweb looks to be doing all the right things that this industry needs.

They aren't looking to just solve one problem but almost all of them.

Although it's to early to say but if they pull off what they say they will, this will be a gamechanger.

25) Not only are they looking to solve the much needed interoperability in this industry but also do this in a secure way.

Together with all the other advancements they are making in the industry, coinweb could definitely be a project to keep on your radar

Nova done ❤️

26) If you want to keep up to date to most of my content and interesting projects give me a follow @CryptoGirlNova.

I also research the communities top voted cryptocurrency every week so you can keep track of all the most exciting projects.

Your favorite writer Nova 📘

27) If you had value from this and liked this thread, it would really bring a smile to my face if you could retweet the first post so this can help as many people as possible.

Everyone deserves free knowledge 📘

Love you all ❤️

First post 👇

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