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金培力 CCTV FOLLIES at Fulbright, Knight, Nieman Fellow.

Oct 10, 2022, 17 tweets

CCTV FOLLIES: Oct. 9 7pm news
The news from China is always good, but sometimes it's a bit brassy, boastful and vaguely menacing.
-PLA drills make real war look dull in comparison.
-Update on Crimea Bridge: Back to normal
-Cause of Ukraine-Russia war discovered
-It's the US!

Nobody (except perhaps the North Koreans) can do human formations like this.

bombs and rockets bursting in air

Visions of war from the air...

Tanks too.
There's file footage of someone, hard to identify, though, on account of the effective camouflage

This looks like CGI for an epic historic movie but I'm pretty sure it's real.

lots of hardware

some amazing shots (in both senses of the word)
the photography is generally quite accomplished.

And this from Russia's Defense Ministry. This is what they would like you to think a real war looks like:
A few careful scenic shots and precision targetting.

It's mostly shots from the air, hi-tech guns aiming at unseen targets, the human element missing entirely.

What this? A locomotive...a train car....

CCTV is showing that rail service has resumed crossing Crimea Bridge.

Yes, you heard it first on CCTV (because of yesterday's premature announcement)
The Crimea Bridge is back in business

And it's back to the war zone, but the story is not about Russia, or even Ukraine.
It's about the US, fanning the flames of the fire!

CCTV doesn't air complaints without a purpose.
(in fact it doesn't air complaints about China at all)

But it likes to blame the US for everything:
the war, NATO expansion, high prices, food shortfalls and energy shortages

Here, compressed into one tweet, CCTV's nightly medley, a solicitous review of gas stations, gas stoves and human demonstrations in Europe, all because of those inhumane US sanctions against Russia.

And keeping to the formula, CCTV closes the international roundup with it's patented "bad news from a bad country."
The country will go unnamed but it's experiencing...

More violence, more racism, more monkeypox.

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