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金培力 CCTV FOLLIES at Fulbright, Knight, Nieman Fellow.

Oct 11, 2022, 9 tweets

CCTV FOLLIES: 10/10 morning news
Kiev is bombed by Russia
-CCTV gives "lasting friend" Putin a chance to explain why he had to do it
-Bombing of Kiev is shown, mostly clouds of smoke, one destroyed building. It's not Russian footage, it may be best CCTV could get.

Chinese embassy in Ukraine warns its citizens to take shelter if they stay but leave immediately if possible.

"Russia employs high precision weapons to hit targets on a large scale across Ukraine."

"Ukraine says it intercepted some missiles and drones"

There's no attribution to the footage, and it's milder in content than what can be seen on Russian TV, so one suspects a Kiev-based crew got some shots from a safe (understandably) distance

But the hacks at information central in Beijing resort to file footage to tell Russia's story to the world...

"The US supply of weapons to Ukraine is not favorable for a diplomatic resolution of the conflict."

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