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Oct 11, 2022, 10 tweets

i went back to disect this scene like a worm and now i have thoughts which i will be making everybody elses problem - a thread
#HouseOfTheDragon #AemondTargaryen #DaemonTargaryen

first of all, his "three STRONG boys" insult was hilarious but he's been thinking about it ALL NIGHT, he wanted to say it here the first time but was like "ok maybe not in front of dad" and i respect that. i also take my time cooking up jokes before i make them. king shit.

i wanna focus on this scene, however, and how i feel like everyone is misinterpreting it. when first watching, i also viewed it completely differently to how i do now so i dont blame anyone.
but neither daemon nor aemond are "scared" of one another in this.

neither is aemond IDOLISING daemon or looking up to him in any way. that is what i first thought myself, that he is impressed by the power his uncle holds without even saying anything. mainly because of the previous scene.

after daemon defends rhaenyra and the boys in typical daemon-fashion, aemond looks at what his uncle did, then looks at him directly all like 🤩 which I first mistook as awe but really, i feel like its more of a "damn, he can get away with this?" and he starts to take notes.

even aegon looks at him here being like "great, now this bitch got ideas". aemond isn't finding an idol in daemon here, he's taking notes for himself, studying and learning from him to further strengthen his own authority in spite of being the second born son, just like daemon.

great theory and all but why do I think that? because of this very moment: he rolls his eye at daemon.
first, you see him continue to watch and study his uncle with his smug smile that gradually fades as he realises daemon might be more arrogant than he is powerful.

daemon can do things, stop things, force things, simply because he is daemon and he knows that only a fool would dare to stand against him. but this heavy reliance on his own reputation kind of undoes his actual power. and aegon sees this. and is instantly bored and tired-

of a man he thought could have been interesting or a challenge. aemond thinks hes smarter than him. his annoyed grunt as he rolls his eyes and walks off doesn't sound like a "damn, I just got handled" its a "gods, what a tool" and daemon even celebrates himself for it.

I'm probably way off here as i also havent yet read fire & blood far enough to meet aemond but his eye roll and weird grunt was something i didn't notice the first time around so i wanted to throw in my 2 cents. i cannot stop talking about this stupid show

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