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Oct 11, 2022, 6 tweets

BREAKING — Joseph Ellicott has been sentenced to 15 months in federal prison. He admits to delivering a $6,000 bribe to former Seminole County Tax Collector Joel Greenberg. #News6

Ellicott allegedly delivered the bribe money on behalf of Michael Shirley, a contractor accused of submitting inflated invoices to Greenberg’s office. Shirley has pleaded not guilty to fraud charges and is awaiting trial. #News6

Judge Gregory Presnell: “Mr. Ellicott participated in public official abuse, which really harms every citizen of Seminole County and beyond.” “When you facilitate a kickback to a constitutional tax collector, government abuse doesn’t really get worse than that.” #news6

Prosecutors originally sought a 27-33 month sentence for Ellicott but the judge gave him credit for providing “substantial cooperation that has been very helpful to the government.” Besides 15 month sentence, Ellicott must pay $115K restitution to Seminole County. #News6

Before learning his sentence, Joseph Ellicott said: “I failed the hundreds of thousands of taxpayers of Seminole County”. “All I can do is apologize for my actions and accept responsibility.” #News6

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