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#재도 #런민 #찬디: bboiiiiiing

Oct 12, 2022, 63 tweets

❣️ who do you like?

a #dojae | #jaedo mini au

...wherein doyoung loves jumping to different conclusions and jaehyun is, well..he's one hard thing to solve.


ii. characters:

»»» start!

❣️ 1. zzzz

❣️ 2.

❣️ 3.

❣️ 4.

❣️ 5.

❣️ 6.

❣️ 7.

❣️ 8.

❣️ 9.

❣️ 10. coffee

❣️ 11.

❣️ 12.

❣️ 13. tell him

❣️ 14.

❣️ 15.

❣️ 16. lucky what 😳

❣️ 17.

❣️ 18.

❣️ 19. 🤦🏻

❣️ 20. d-day

❣️ 21.

❣️ 22.

❣️ 23.

❣️ 24. 🥳

❣️ 25.

❣️ 26. 🤔

❣️ 27.

❣️ 28. 💔

❣️ 29.

❣️ 30. really

❣️ 31.

❣️ 32. nxt morning

❣️ 33. hm?

❣️ 34.

❣️ 35.

❣️ 36. are you good

❣️ 37. haha

❣️ 38. lunchtime

❣️ 39. ohh

❣️ 40. smile

❣️ 41. eh?

❣️ 42. hm

❣️ 43. 😳

❣️ 44. i see

❣️ 45.

❣️ 46.

❣️ 47. ???!!

❣️ 48. mine

❣️ 49. who do i like

❣️ 50. one and only

❣️ 51. payback time

❣️ 51.1 payment received

51.2 😉

»»» end! 🫡

❣️ 14-17

ㅡ 😓

❣️ 44.

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