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金培力 CCTV FOLLIES at Fulbright, Knight, Nieman Fellow.

Oct 13, 2022, 26 tweets

Here's the pilot introducing a new season of Xi Jinping, and it's called....

The Pilot! (AKA the helmsman)

-Lots of nautical shots
-Water flows
-Red rules
-Rivers full flow
-No wonder CCTV didn't cover the drought
-Mandate of heaven is tied to fertility, rain and rivers

But first, a word from our sponsor...

The communist party of China.

Xi lifts a famous lyric about Mao from the East is Red and makes it his own.
"to serve the Chinese people, to revive the Chinese race!"

Socialism with Chinese characteristics

The red pixels on my computer are getting stressed, it's relentlessly red!

Red, red, red

Hammers and sickles and hearts.

Even nature joins in the celebration!

note: Bad metaphor. Those bright red leaves will soon wither, discolor, dry and fall to the ground.

And now for the nautical-themed shots for a country that is run like a tight ship by a captain who fancies himself the helmsman.

two for one shot
(red+nautical theme)

firm guide through stormy waters...

Clouds and mist are H2O, also count as water

Who's yo helmsman?

Water, water, water everywhere!

Oops! looks like they accidentally included a shot of the Unisphere in Flushing, New York

fun fact: China's first aircraft carrier was purchased from Ukraine.

Water is good.
Fire is bad
(Hong Kong in turmoil)

CCP to the rescue.
Note the clever combination red rule of law with a tranquil harbor.

Pacification mission accomplished!

It's hard to look at these self-congratulatory bridge shots without thinking of another bridge recently in the news.

But it's the ability to harness water that speaks to the mandate of heaven. That's why there was no drought this year. Rivers are flush with water, just as you'd expect on the eve of a coronation.

Nature is simply gushing with praise!

There's a new Mao impersonator in town.

"These mountains and rivers are the people, the people are the mountains and rivers"

Did the Pilot lose the plot?

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