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Oct 13, 2022, 7 tweets

Episode 5 Act 3 BP - Starlit Odyssey | #VALORANT

Vandal Standard - V3

Episode 5 Act 3 BP - Starlit Odyssey | #VALORANT

Spectre Standard - V3

Episode 5 Act 3 BP - Starlit Odyssey | #VALORANT

Guardian Standard - V3

Episode 5 Act 3 BP - Starlit Odyssey | #VALORANT

Guardian Standard - V3

Episode 5 Act 3 BP - Rune Stone | #VALORANT

Bulldog, Marshal, Odin & Shorty

Episode 5 Act 3 BP - Iridian Thorn (1/2) | #VALORANT

Sheriff, Operator, Melee, Judge

Episode 5 Act 3 BP - Iridian Thorn (2/2) | #VALORANTChampions


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