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Oct 14, 2022, 6 tweets

Are there any mantras specifically for healing physical ailments?

Yes, Bhagwan Dhanvantari mantra and Sanjeewani Devi mantras. Dhanvantari taught people Ayurveda, goddess Sanjeewani dwells in an all-healing herb that heals all diseases and is able to bring life back into a dead body.

Om Namo Bhagavate Dhanvantaraye

Amrita-kalasha Hastaaya

Sarvaamaya Vinashaaya

Trailokya Naathaya

Shri Mahavishnave Swaha

"I bow down & pray to Bhagwan Dhanvantari, incarnation of Bhagwan Vishnu. You hold in your hands Kalasha filled with nectar of immortality. Oh Lord, you can remove all fears & diseases. You protect all the three worlds & you are the well wisher of all created beings.”

The Sanjeewani mantra is:

Om Tum Tulasaye Namaha

Tulasi is another name for Sanjeewani.

Another Sanjeewani mantra:

Om Aing Shreeng Hreeng Kleeng Ang Amrittatva Sidhyee Shivayee Namah

Hanumanji retrieves Sanjeewani by taking the entire mountain.

However, many gods and goddesses are able to heal diseases because they are beyond diseases. Disease can't exist in their presence. Prayers to Bhagwan Vishnu & Bhagwan Shiva can heal diseases too.

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