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Oct 14, 2022, 10 tweets

Thread: Okay, everyone. Here are 10 reasons not to vote for @GovWhitmer this Nov 8. Vote @TudorDixon instead. #whitmerdixondebate

10. Prices are too high, especially gas. Maybe she should have budged with the gas tax.

9. Michigan kept kids out of school entirely too long. 50% of third graders are failing their literacy exams. We are behind, and our children deserve better.

8. Our schools have become too radical, whether it's an embracing of CRT or gender ideology, schools have gone too far.

7. In Michigan, we couldn't travel between our own homes, invite loved ones over, ride in a boat with a motor, or travel to "non-essential" items in stores.

6. Whitmer broke her own rules during the lockdown. When she was asked at the #whitmerdixondebate if she would have done anything differently, she wouldn't list off her errors, but she made quite a few.

5. She was cruel to businesses. I'll never forget how this man sobbed.

4. Crime is high right now. And Whitmer tried to pretend she never said anything about the "spirit of defund the police." Sorry, it exists.

3. When the MI Supreme Court shot down Whitmer, she just found another way to be cruel and enforce her covid policies.

2. There is absolutely no logic mixing our most vulnerable with covid patients.

1. Whitmer is supporting Prop 3. It grants everyone, including minors, the right to sterilization and abortion. No parental consent is mentioned in the amendment, but it does protect activists and abortion traffickers. Parents will be helpless.

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