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Digital Marketing | Civil Engineering |Tech| Founder: Sabitech Builders|

Oct 15, 2022, 5 tweets

@ComfortHomeske has some great offers for you today!

Buy a plot from then and get upto 10% discount of your purchase
Diaspora Gardens Isinya
Robisearch Media

When you invest with @ComfortHomeske it comes with great offers

It's now Open Diaspora Gardens at Isinya
Grab yourself a plot today
Diaspora Gardens Isinya
Robisearch Media

The plots are as affordable as 500k for 50*100 plots

Be part of the team join us today

Diaspora Gardens Isinya
Robisearch Media

What are you waiting for,you can also gift a friend with the plot

Diaspora Gardens Isinya
Robisearch Media

Did you know that land is one of the investment that doesn't expire?

Diaspora Gardens Isinya
Robisearch Media

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