Triply Caerbannog 🐰🐰🐰 Profile picture
Bunbunbun with exotic tastes! Loving the weird life!

Oct 15, 2022, 10 tweets

Grooming is a serious problem in the furry community and we need to talk about it. #gaysagainstgroomers


1. I already posted the main details in a previous twitter thread. but the leader of that community has implicitly endorsed grooming.

2. @skunktaur runs a community in on telegram. To summarize my previous thread, I remarked on a meme but then @BlueHusky2154 blew up and started defending the practice of child abuse and attacking me. The logs can be publicly viewed here:

3. Mx. Juniper System (Different person from @skunktaur) is an admin of this community and even endorsed the practice. If this were about people getting treatment from pharmacists or doctors I could interpret it as hyperbole, but the context makes it clear it is not hyperbole.

4. The conversation continues for several messages. I tried to be reasonable and level headed, but I was repeatedly attacked by multiple members of this community. Mx. Juniper System, to their credit, at least was willing to discuss and not devolve to attacks.

5. @skunktaur spent several days trying to figure out how to save face. His response, paraphrased, "I don't (publicly) support witch hunting, but the witch has been got. Good job. Shame on @BlueHusky2154 for not coming to me privately."

Opposing child abuse is a "hot take"

6. The furry community is very largely skewed towards LGBT people and I count myself as one of those people. But grooming is a serious problem in the furry and LGBT community and if we are going to continue to gain acceptance, it must be called out and stopped and not sheltered.

7. Of course I am going to call out child abuse when I see it. It is a big deal.

8. I am not doing this for awards or to win any friends. I have lost a lot of friends for this stance. This is far bigger than this one chat. Many furries are militantly aware of what they are doing is wrong and focused on gatekeeping people with morals.

9. LGBT accepting is declining because the behavior of these people. I implore you, please call out this behavior when you see it. Keeping the peace with your 'friends' is not worth the harm to this community. #gaysagainstgroomers

10. Bonus image.

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