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Oct 15, 2022, 25 tweets


Go with #theabelog from Barça unexpected blow. This thread focuses on our low blocks, Xavi's structure with Roberto and Gavi seizing the half-space with Pedri in the attack. Buckle up for a ride.

A Tactical Thread

📈 Stats By @Barcalytix

Xavi was prepared for inter but our low blocks weren't. In the first game, we struggled to break past a low block of three but this time, Xavi change the setting and we were creatively superior in the third. The lows and one on top were no good to the game.

Barça played in a 3-4-3 diamond as usual and subsequently became a more offensive version of this Xavi's team.

Roberto, stepping forward into what became a diamond. Inter with the 5-3-2 looking to unite for counter since it's difficult to choose to fight for possession.

The Barça's structure in a 3-1-6 in possession to progress numerical superiority at this obvious region with the alternatives to superiority provided the launching pad for positional play because it allows Barça to consolidate and provide the stability necessary to circulate.

Barça didn't let Inter build up at ease. Their wide defenders had a hard time keeping the ball, so the GK 'Onana' looked to go long in picking a creative midfielder, hence losing possession was more likely.

Raphinha's defensive work rate held the first approach.

In the 1st leg, I spoke of Pedri making covers for the lows, here is a clip of Alonso covering Pique's man and Gavi covering Alonso's.

A poor one here again. Pique has lost his 'IQ' in this game. All thanks to Gavi making the block that would have been.

Barca's low-block quality in this match was no secret. I have no words for the way we positioned, the errors and no pace to retrieve.

The lows lacked the pace extremely well to defend when operating as the last man. We see a primary example of this below.

Xavi during HT: "When Onana has the ball, you all have to come back and defend like animals. It will happen. When Onana has it, they kick it long. They did it once already and you guys were stuck on the wing, god damnit. Come back to defend… come back!"

We suffered to close down the counter. Pique had one Job yet his 1v1 with good bravery and a bit of aggression was at no good level.

Man marking and anticipation to read the game. Tackling is always a must but was done poorly here.

Eric x Busi. One misplaced a pass and the other had a tough time with his aggression towards Martinez.

The positional sense was needed here.

Pique has consistently been bullied and not possessing a good build keeps reoccurring. Our low blocks were physically not alright and never brought terror to inter.

It showed itself here from Pique but it is not the only requirement I would say.

They can be aggressive but I’ll always suggest being conservative because it’ll less easy to be beaten.

Being aggressive against players of a lower skill can most often reward you but when playing against shape attackers, it can be your downfall.


Pedri was tasked with, progression, transitioning and attacking the do-it heartbeat. It affords him the time to seek out direct passes in attacking areas.

Pedri was arguably the best creator especially on the break as he looks to play killer passes at every given opportunity.

Here is a cross to Pedri attracting and creating this for Lewa.

Pedri proved vital at the third. The vital first touch, good movements and quick passing in a difficult defensive structure.

I would say one of the most mental alert players on the pitch that day. Look at how aware he is of the concept of utilising space to Lewa in an overload.

Pedri here was one with no shooting with the power and precision like the Kevin De Bruyne of City

Not just about dictating tempo or contributing to attacking build-ups. He made runs and shot whenever he gets the chance with the Inter's tough back.

Pedri's ability was arguably the best on the pitch to see opportunities and execute quicker than others. He's scanning the pitch before receiving the ball and making a quick, one-touch pass to Ansu.

This man speeds up the team’s play.

I won't fail to point out this one error from Pedri which almost cost us.

This is an undeserving error for his work rate of the pitch. Being exhausted could be his defence yet a one-time pass to the two men there was ideal here.

Thanks to Marc.


Positional sense. Frenkie played a very tacked role, which includes his defensive power.

He also held importance in attacking phases, particularly in helping Barça play out from the back and break lines. Here is a shift.

Inter here, an overload with delayed pressure to get themself a counter. Tend to see FDJ channelling himself to Gavi in half-spaces where he's strong defensively. Physical - close down quickly.

Having the forward outnumbered, Psychological - recover quickly as possible.


Our low blocks were one of the most crucial and impactful positions in the Xavi shape. Its performance is reflective of the whole team’s performance.

In a make-or-break situation, a good defence can be a team’s source of strength.

while a bad or poor defence can have a hugely detrimental effect on a team. Much attention and light were given to our low blocks.

Inzaghi was a lucky man, his tactics were well executed.

Only thing that hampers us in transition is his lack of momentum.

— Frenkie to carry the ball for long periods anyway, instead opting to play direct passes to team-mates further forward as quickly as possible.

— No one was quite unselfish and the forwards operated at thier best as a creator, especially when from outside the box.

— It is imperative for the team to be all tactically sound and strategic to the upcoming fixtures in the UCL.

Hey Comrades, guess it's time to get myself some coffee. If you enjoyed this thread, share it with a friend. Thanks.

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