Sunlight Anti-Fascist Action Profile picture
Sunlight is the best Disinfectant - pour some out for the homies

Oct 16, 2022, 14 tweets

Welcome to the sunlight, Tyler Bradley Dykes (24) of Bluffton, SC.

Tyler is a tech company CEO.

He's also Unite the Right 2017 rioter #LanyardNoShirtUTR...


Last year, Tyler set up a tech company called Technology King of the Lowcountry.
It provides, amongst other things, cyber security services and surveillance systems.

Just few weeks ago, Tyler Dykes - who provides cyber security services - posted photos online to celebrate new business partnerships.

We found those photos, and analyzed them.

Have you heard of a "moleprint", Tyler?

It's like a fingerprint, but with moles.…

Accounting for nasolabial folds, aging, facial expression & orientation, each additional mole exponentially increases the uniqueness and certainty of identification.

Tyler Dykes, aka #LanyardNoShirtUTR, in August 2017 it looks like you were living in Denver, NC.

You traveled nearly 300 miles to participate in a neo-nazi race riot in Charlottesville.

And there you are, Tyler Bradley Dykes, aka #LanyardNoShirtUTR, finding out the consequences -both then and now- of invading Charlottesville on August 12, 2017.

Did you really expect the residents of Charlottesville would allow nazis to take over their town?

We noticed someone else in the video - in the blue shirt, near the girl with blonde hair. He was part of a mob that violently attacked several Charlottesville residents, leaving some hospitalized.

A short while later, we see you in a borrowed white shirt among several members of the neo-nazi Vanguard America organization.

In the video above we also saw a familiar face - the man in the pink shirt.

Do you know who the man in the pink shirt is, Tyler?

Just a year after UTR, Tyler Dykes enlisted in the USMC US Marines, where he trained as a Tactical Air Controller.

According to Military Yearbook, that role requires secret security clearance.…

Tyler Bradley Dykes, CEO of Technology King of the Lowcountry, do your new business partners know that you participated in the deadly 2017 Unite The Right nazi riot?

@QuickpassMSP @CybrHawk_ @1111systems @computercprdfw

They do now.

These individuals travel across the country in the name of white supremacy, we will continue to expose them to keep our communities safe.

View ITR's database at and let us know if you recognize anyone! Follow @UnmaskUTR to stay updated.



Quickpass Cybersecurity has confimed they do not have a business relationship with Tyler, and have also denounced his toxic hate.


New footage of tech CEO and former US Marine tactical air controller Tyler Bradley Dykes at Unite the Right Tiki Torch march on August 11, 2017.


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