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The Official Twitter Account of Government of Uganda.

Oct 16, 2022, 7 tweets

.@RobinahNabbanja : We are marking this day when the world is grappling with COVID-19 and climate change challenges all of which have an impact on food production. #WFD2022

.@RobinahNabbanja :On this day, we would like to thank the farmers, production officers, and all those that contribute to the agriculture value chain. #WFD2022

,@RobinahNabbanja: I have moved around the stalls and saw the good news and i believe that with the many scientists and innovations that we have, we shall not leave anyone behind. #WFD2022

.@RobinahNabbanja says that on this day, we should know what we are not doing right and what we need to do to deal with the issue of hunger in some of our areas like Karamoja yet we have very fertile soils. #WFD2022

.@RobinahNabbanja also says that the President has always advised farmers to involve themselves in commercial farming and that is the only way farmers shall benefit from the sector. #WFD2022

@RobinahNabbanja:The Parish Development Model (PDM) will be a success and a game changer in this sector and with the available technologies, we are ready to go. #WFD2022

Government will continue to invest in water for agriculture production, Mechanisation centres and providing valley tanks to the various areas in the country to help ease agriculture production. #WFD2022

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