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The Official Twitter Account of Government of Uganda.

Oct 16, 2022, 6 tweets

.@FrankTumwebazek : We have sixteen (16) institutes under @narouganda and they specialize in different areas of agricultural research and animal, covering animal, livestock resources, fish inclusive.#WFD2022

.@FrankTumwebazek : The theme of this year recognizes the need to develop inclusive, resilient and sustainable agri food systems for better production, better nutrition, better environment and a better life that leaves no one behind. #WFD2022

.@FrankTumwebazek :This day therefore calls for Action across the sector players to ensure that our agri-food systems deliver enough affordable, nutritious safe food for all in a better environment for a better life, leaving no one behind.#WFD2022

.@FrankTumwebazek :For agriculture to be sustainable, we must produce enough to secure our people, ensure our animals are fed because they are part of the food we harvest.#WFD2022

@FrankTumwebazek :Through research, we are promoting intensive methods of farming that are commercial but also environmentally sustainable. #WFD2022

.@FrankTumwebazek :We hope, if we can integrate the small holder farmers together with the large commercial farmers,we will have the whole chain of production sustained & giving us adequate volumes to feed the country,feed the region & reward farmers with enough money. #WFD2022

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