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AU writer • this is shipper area bxg • 𝐏𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐞💙

Oct 16, 2022, 120 tweets

have we met before?
maybe in another life i knew you, maybe if i try i'll see right through you, and i'll remember who we were. have we met before?

#WENGA mini AU
© alatteblue

—⸙̭ disclaimer;

—⸙̭ meet the main characters

01; i think i know you

cw // harsh words

02; sienna's and rigel's tweet after met

03; i don't know him

cw // slight 18+

04; tonight appointment

05; Rigel on duty

06; going to Aberdale

cw // harsh words

07; Sienna's mom

08; Rigel's hometown

09; Sienna's hometown

10; a little gift form Irwin

11; looking for clues

12; editor team's room chat

13; curious Steph

14; pastries dates

15; he was there before

16; suatu kejanggalan

17; Sienna's savior

18; demam

19; in a dream

20; steph's porridge

21; the same dream that keeps haunting him

22; si kepala batu Sienna

23; one come back to the duties, one come back to the town

24; dinner team

25; Rigel-Sean bickering each other agendas

26; Sean's fiance

27; Jum'at petang menuju malam

28; on their way

29; is this reality? we stare through shattered lenses. secretive-opal-9fe.notion.site/Is-this-realit…

30; strange and odd

huhuhu, what do you think, guys? 🥺
gimana? udah ada yg dapat gambaran arah alur ceritanya belum? kasih komen cobaaa hihi🤏🏻

—⸙̭ interlude;
"Have We Met Before?" Encyclopedia

31; believe in destiny

32; she'll come again

33; swear i feel u in my memory

34; draw a line that define the best in us— with every note and every page secretive-opal-9fe.notion.site/Draw-a-line-th…

35; dreams

36; it's rigel

37; his number

38; see you soon

39; who am i?

40; mimpi yang sama, lagi

—⸙̭time skip

41; a date (?)

42; her new routinity?

43; something 'bout you

44; a sweetness

45; hari lainnya

46; dan hari hari lainnya

47; sienna yang tak mau kalah

48; blur

49; they were been there

50; the afterwards

51; good night

52; fainted

53; she just

54; thank you

55; feel better

56; it was him

57; come to his place

58; escape for him

59; worrying each other

60; udah sehat

61; white lies?

62; travis knows

63; ub3r

64; Irwin and ub3r

65; "gue aneh nggak sih?"

66; lancar sampai hari H

67; asupan sarapan

68; pay attention to each other

69; Maybe if I try I'll see right through you— and I'll remember who we were

70; familiar(?)

gimana menurut kalian?? ada yang udah dapat bayangan nggak gimana ceritanya? coba coba drop di sini aku penasaran tanggepan kalian hehehe 😍


—⸙̭ time skip

71; the festival day

72; the festival day (2)

73; pulang dulu

74; deja vu

75; when i hold you close to me, i could always see a house by the ocean | ±2,900 words

⚠️ TW/CW inside notion.so/When-I-hold-yo…

gimana menurut kalian, mulai ngebosenin nggak?? kasih pendapat kalian yaaa wrwrwr, makasiiih 😭🤏🏻

75; when i hold you close to me, i could always see a house by the ocean (alternative)

This is just a work of fiction for entertainment purpose




TW // Kissing



TW // Mention of murder , suicide , death


TW // Mention of murder , suicide , death


TW // Mention of killed

76; Arlen & Irwin

77; nggak kemana mana

78; permintaan maaf


79; labyrinth♡

80; napak tilas


82; appreciate boyfie

83; "harus jaga satu sama lain,"

84; finally home

85; oleh oleh buat team

86; Adrienne Callie Sienna & Linc Rigel Oceano

87; oleh oleh buat Sean & Lizzy

88; buku

89; Stephanie getting confused

90; ditinggal kerja

+ jadinya vc
warning; obrolan tidak berfaedah

91; "kangen sienna sienna sienna"


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