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Hum bolega to bologe ke bolta hai! Food, travel, nature, history, astronomy, and marketing. Associate Professor @stevensbusiness. Opinions personall He/Him.

Oct 16, 2022, 10 tweets

Sawing off a fallen tree and obsessed with how great the rings are!

I was wondering about it, and looking at the standing stump, the wider parts are those that face the ecliptic, i.e. the sun. The ones on the other side are thinner.

It's an American Ash, a species in the process of extinction cos of disease.

Today is Saw Sunday for @k_rupal and I at #OurWawar. Our resolution of power-free tools to maintain the land is doing wonders for our physique.…

Phew! Finally got through the tree trunk. With just a saw and elbow grease. #AchievementUnlocked

Yo @SaibBilaval, this section is definitely wide enough for an Ash guitar!

29 year old branch.

Tree itself seems 37 years old, cos this is the trunk.

Live example of on the job learning. I realized that sawing off a thin wedge first makes it easier and faster to cleave the thing.

Output of our workout of two weeks. Lots of carving wood and firewood and an empty walkway again.

Can't believe we managed to clear all this without an electric chainsaw!

Before After

Sure, you read from childhood that trees have rings that can tell you their age. It's something you know theoretically.

But to saw off a branch and actually see these beautiful circles so clearly... Goosebumps!! Literal goosebumps!

I highly recommend buying forest land!

Nope, not interested. Our resolution has been to do this without electricity. And doing fine so far. Maybe when my age advances and I can't handle actual saws anymore. But until then, chainsaw seems like random tim-allengiri for the sake of it.

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