Crypto Quantique Profile picture
Secure, scalable, chip-to-cloud IoT. QDID™ quantum HW IP for unique, unforgeable IDs & crypto keys on-chip; QuarkLink™ provisions, onboards, & manages devices.

Oct 17, 2022, 7 tweets

We've put together a small guide of commonly used acronyms in IoT device security for National Cyber Security Awareness Month, which is observed in October in the USA and around the world!

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First up, IoT, or the Internet of Things, has been defined as many times over the last decade. Here is the most commonly used definition:

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Next up is RoT or Root of Trust, which secures all our devices.

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TEE or a Trusted Execution Environment is an area on a device that we can ensure isn't compromised.

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PUF or Physical Unclonable Function acts as a digital fingerprint for our devices to prove they are what they claim they are.

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PQC or Post-Quantum Cryptography is algorithms that are made to withstand attacks from a quantum computer. Our recent announcement about our PQC products can be found here -…

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Finally, we have QDID! This stands for Quantum Driven Identity and is our flagship product. A semiconductor design to keep your IoT devices safe and secure. You can learn more about QDID here -

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