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Oct 17, 2022, 7 tweets

1 of 7 - The #ANewScotland series of papers explain this Scottish Government’s proposals for independence.

Earlier today we launched the latest paper.

Thread: Find out more ⬇️

2 of 7 - The paper focuses on the Scottish economy and the opportunities independence would bring.

Full details at

3 of 7 - In an independent Scotland, new institutions would be set up to make sure Scotland would have sustainable public finances.

Decisions on tax, spending and borrowing would be informed by international best practice.

4 of 7 - Scotland would move to its own currency, the Scottish pound.

From day one of independence, and until the time is right, Scotland would continue to use Sterling as its official currency.

5 of 7 - Scotland would seek to re-join the EU following independence, meaning businesses would operate inside the vast single market.

People and goods would be able to move freely between Scotland and the 27 other EU member states, giving employers access to skills and talent.

6 of 7 - The Scottish Government believes it’s in Scotland’s interests to continue to be part of the Common Travel Area.

This would mean people would be able to move freely between Scotland, the UK and Ireland.

7 of 7 - Using new powers, this Government proposes up to £20 billion new investment in infrastructure over the first 10 years of independence.

This will give the economy a boost in the early years of a new Scotland.

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