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🇺🇦 🇹🇷 Olena | My images tell stories | AI. PS | Exhibited worldwide 🌍 | EW | MAIF | Available on primary in highlights🔻

Oct 18, 2022, 9 tweets

(1/9) Friends! Today I want to share with you some details of the process of creating AI art. This tweet is for collectors, and who want to know what #AIArtwork looks like.

(2/9) Note: All uses AI differently, but yes, first the prompt. DS iterates the generation process so that you can receive pic on each iteration till perfection is reached, while you continuously change your prompt. Eventually, you can choose a particular pic that will be used.

(3/9) Sometimes it looks like love at first sight but there's still work to be done.

(4/9) The next step is to crop the work into parts that are planned to be inpainted. By highlighting the right places and picking up the right words in the prompt, the search for the right iterations is repeated. This can take hours or even days.

(5/9) During the process, AI may give you an idea. For instance, I gonna art the dog in the bag but instead of bags, AI proposes just bouquets, so I decided that a dog's head on a chain is a great idea.

(6/9) Some of the best iterations are saved for further work in Photoshop.

(7/9) Layers, masks, retouching, digital painting and post-processing are used to achieve the necessary stage of the final work.

(8/9) Step by step we get closer to the ultimate goal. It is a sweet time when you enjoy your artwork. We do everything for that moment. Isn't it?

(9/9) What about upscaling and enlarging your pic? It reaches 10240 x 13312 px with artificial intelligence. Isn't that great?

Thanks for reading this thread to the end! Next time I'll talk more about the inner meaning of the art.

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