Silvia Aguilera Profile picture
#OpenScience coordinator at @epflENAC

Oct 18, 2022, 11 tweets

Ezra Clark from @UNESCO talks to us about why we need #OpenScience now!

"We have learnt important lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic regarding the possibilities of accesibility of academic publications" - Ezra Clark from @UNESCO at @ScienceEurope

Ezra Clark shows us the highlights of the #OpenScience @UNESCO recommendations 👇

There are 4 key pillars of #OpenScience:

All of these #OpenScience pillars are based in the following values and principles:

🔑Therefore, the key objectives and key areas of action for Member States are seven

This of course comes with challenges that come divided in 5 impact areas (at the bottom)

The role of @UNESCO as an actor in #OpenScience can be summarized as follows

@UNESCO's support for the Implementation of the Recommendations at an international level is:

And at a regional level as well!

Ezra Clark finishes by asking the community to share their good practices with them and to check the @UNESCO #OpenScience website!

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