Silvia Aguilera Profile picture
#OpenScience coordinator at @epflENAC

Oct 18, 2022, 9 tweets

Joining Breakout Session 8: "Is Open Science bringing research closer to society? Challenges and opportunities of science communication and beyond" with @Stephen_Curry, Prof. Assistant Provost, & Chair of @DORAssessment at @ScienceEurope

"The open ethos of Science goes back a long way! Reaumur recognised there is a duty to the rest of the world" - @Stephen_Curry

@Stephen_Curry "Gibbons in 1999 already mentions the transparency and participative aspect of Science" - @Stephen_Curry

@Stephen_Curry "We could see with COVID-19 but also with the Zika virus, that if we want to tackle a global emergency, we need to be Open about it" - @Stephen_Curry

@Stephen_Curry recommends reading the provocative text by Dan Sarewitz 👇

He represents @DORAssessment, which did not include #OpenScience 2013

"We have to be alert about who has a say, who gets in and ho has the power in Research" - @Stephen_Curry

"We should be rewarding scientific communication and engagement! We need to learn also from the public which aspects are important for them" - @Stephen_Curry

"We need to talk to the public and gain public and political trust, to make them feel part of driving science and engineering, as Alice Bell said" - @Stephen_Curry

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