Silvia Aguilera Profile picture
#OpenScience coordinator at @epflENAC

Oct 18, 2022, 7 tweets

We continue with @annely_allik, Head of Science Communication department at the Estonian 🇪🇪 Research Council

@annely_allik "How to close the breach? It's a 2-way path, we need to bring Science closer to the public and to the policy makers" - @annely_allik #RoadtoOpenscience

@annely_allik "A big effort is being made to reach the younger part of the population, including new social media like #TikTok" - @annely_allik #RoadtoOpenscience

"We have a lot of Social Media, but also TV programs that also helps creating content" - @annely_allik #RoadtoOpenscience

"The TV program Rocket 69 is the perfect example of outreach to the young public, even offering educational grants" - @annely_allik #RoadtoOpenscience

"The path to follow is clear, trying to reach as soon as possible the younger audience and making them engaged to make them interested in Science. Overall trust in Science is very high in Estonia" - @annely_allik #RoadtoOpenscience

Conclusions by @annely_allik, very interesting talk! #RoadtoOpenscience @ScienceEurope

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