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GP (Ex-Partner/Trainer) - enjoying the extra time & space - Believe in the NHS (Opinions my own) - NHS Facts and Stats Facebook - DAUK GP Spokesperson #BeKind

Oct 18, 2022, 6 tweets

People are waiting hours for ambulances/A&E appts⬆️⬆️
Although 999 calls up, those conveyed to A&E similar to previous yrs, as are A&E attendances
GP appts are up 120% cc 2019
So where is the problem?
Beds? Occupancy? Discharge? Covid?
What is the fix?
#NHSCrisis 1/🧵

Out-patient attendances just returned to 2019 levels
But 7m awaiting treatments
Treatments and investigations below 2019
Hospitals working more slowly
What’s the problem? 2/🧵

GPs continue to consult at records levels
Fewer GPs doing more
Referrals for investigations/2WW remain
Overall referrals to hospitals slightly lower presumably due to backlogs and use of ‘Advice and Guidance’
So GPs aren’t the problem 3/🧵

Social care funding remains low
Provision of beds in community reduced
Ageing & increasing population
Part of the problem 4/🧵

Beds and capacity in secondary care reduced over decades of underinvestment
We don’t have capacity in secondary care to deal with population we have
The big problem
Blame MPs not GPs 5/🧵End

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