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金培力 CCTV FOLLIES at Fulbright, Knight, Nieman Fellow.

Oct 18, 2022, 15 tweets

-Special hour-long Xinwen Lianbo
-Boring men at boring meetings looking bored
-Delegates tired, exhausted, look like hostages, and in a way they are
-Russia Defense Ministry explains Ukraine
-US fans the flames of war
-World news roundup (one minute)

Someone needs to open a coffee franchise in the Great Hall of the People

No one's smiling anymore. It's like the time MBS "invited" the most powerful men in Saudi Arabia to a hotel for an involuntary stay to show them who the boss was.

The gray men grimly persevere

Even FM Wang Yi, looks spent, drained of original thinking and worn out.

CCTV cameraman, likewise bored after a marathon recording of men listening to Xi and praising Xi, start to get creative, taking shots of their own equipment.

Various camera shots of cameras

And then it's over to the Russia Defense Ministry which seems to have earned a regular slot in CCTV News.

What is the purpose of showing this stock footage over and over again?

And in a nod to "equal" time, a shot from Ukrainian sources. Men huddled in a foxhole.

But the real root of the problem is the US. The US is fanning the flames of war and making it hard for Ukraine to surrender and Russia to win.

In world news, Australia drops Jerusalem as embassy site, Syria complains about US intervention and UK rolls back proposed tax cuts.

The world can be a harsh place, but not China under the firm hand of the communist party. The news closes with calming music and bucolic scenes of the motherland.

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