Illinois Policy Profile picture
A liberty-forward nonprofit fighting government corruption, poverty, and high taxes in Illinois and Chicago.

Oct 19, 2022, 8 tweets

NEW: We looked back on @JBPritzker's term so you don't have to

Property taxes:

✅modest local pension consolidation
❌failure to lead on long-term pension reform

Other taxes and fees?

We’d rather not relive it but here you go. ⬇️


✅$14B from the federal government
✅$1B added to rainy day fund
✅6 credit upgrades
❌continued deficits
❌lowest credit rating in U.S.
❌missed unemployment fund loan repayment deadline
❌businesses on the hook for $64M to repay the above debt

Jobs and economy:

❌3rd-worst unemployment rate in the U.S.
❌worst home foreclosure rate in the U.S.


✅gains from Kellogg’s, Rivian and Amazon
❌6 major companies relocated out of state
❌overall business climate fell to 36th from 29th in the U.S.
❌only state in the U.S. to drop in business tax climate ranking in 5 years


⚠️@JBPritzker inherited the worst pension debt in the U.S.
✅contributed $500M more than required in 2022
❌It’s since skyrocketed by $72B
❌pension costs now consume 25% of the state budget

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