Robin Moffatt 🍻🏃🥓 Profile picture
DevEx Engineer at @Decodableco. Doing fun stuff with data and open source. 🌐 🔗 Mastodon:

Oct 19, 2022, 16 tweets

Big strategic decisions that a data team helps a company make #coalesceConf

Although… you can give all the data you want and sometimes it'll still get ignored

"Shout out Indiana Jones…Fuck the Nazis" #coalesceConf

Data teams should be modelling companies similar to how @paulkrugman modelled the economy

What is an Operational model? #coalesceConf

Now citing @josh_wills (with his impressive hat) and examples of operational models that he's discussed

Operational model for facebook. It's decomposable and each metric can have an entire team dedicated to it

Same for Slack and Snowflake #coalesceConf

You can have secondary models that relate to the main one, driving individual metrics #coalesceConf

Now citing @g_xing and operational models at Lyft. Low-margin business, how do you make decisions?

Is this the same thing that finance teams do in Excel? Basically… yes 😆 #coalesceConf

This is the holy grail of what we should be doing, working on models that describe how the business works. It's a team effort, it cannot be done by the data team on their own. #coalesceConf

What are the best metrics for… whatever…
This is putting the cart before the horse. Don't chase the metrics of other businesses. #coalesceConf

Decide the metrics based on how the business works, don't build the business around the metrics. To do so would be inflicting more than a mere flesh wound… #coalesceConf

Listening to @bennstancil is enlighting, entertaining, educational…and a wee bit exhausting 😅
I love how much work goes into his talks, with the delivery and slides meshing perfectly. A+++ would definitely listen again. @coalesceconf #dbtCoalesce kickof

@bennstancil @coalesceconf Benn's slides with useful speaker notes are online here:…

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