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TOLKIEN/#TheRingsOfPower— she// 🇹🇷 Founder of #HalbrandNation ⚒️

Oct 20, 2022, 9 tweets

Charlie Vickers

Nerdist interview — a thread:

#Sauron #HalbrandNation #TheRingsOfPower

They spend a lot of time in the morning turning me from just a regular dude into this figure who is Halbrand and now Sauron. But yeah, just playing the character is the most exciting thing.

Also things in letters & in Morgoth’s Ring about him really desiring perfection & order & rehabilitation. As well as this idea of his repentance, which Tolkien never really specifies. That’s great, that he leaves it ambiguous about whether he’s genuinely repentant or not.

Whether that’s all part of a greater scheme to really convince Galadriel he wants to stay in Numenor and have a cover for him to come to Middle-earth, further convincing this elaborate creation that is Halbrand, then I like to leave that ambiguous.

It’s the first little taster the show runners and writers have put in there. Which is really smart, to just plant this notion that there is going to be some manipulation from Sauron to Pharazôn. It’s a nice little building block.

It wasn’t me. I didn’t even know that was going to be in the show. So I was excited. I was pumped when I saw that. But no, it wasn’t me.

I’m just trying to bring my own take on the character from all the work that I’ve done. & I’m trying to take as much care as I possibly can in creating it, in the first season and as we move into this next stage of Sauron in the SA.

And then it all just comes crumbling down when [Sauron’s] true intentions come out. When you’re watching as an audience member and we’re seeing him being kind and nice, if you know his true intentions, it makes it really scary underneath.

It was slightly surprising to me, as it seems to go against what my thoughts were when we were doing it, but I think it’s cool.

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