Rachel O' Meara Profile picture

Oct 20, 2022, 13 tweets

🧵#BillyBragg champion of misogyny in heels is at it again. Shockingly he's hit out at a rape survivor's request for female only care during a hospital stay for life saving surgery. Here's a little look back at some of his other tone deaf opinions over the last few years.

2 While in Germany in May 2022 he equated trans ppl with Nazi era Jews. Comparing women asking for respect and safe spaces to the mass murder of millions of Jewish ppl was a deeply insensitive and offensive take and in this woman's opinion completely bonkers!

3 In July 2022 Woman's Place UK asked him to engage in an open discussion with them about his Nazi tweet and he declined. Maybe he realised how batcrap crazy his tweet was or maybe his sexist ego wouldn't allow it who knows? #wpuk

4 Here he is in February of 2020 calling the music industry sexist and racist for booking mostly male acts at music festivals. The irony it seems is lost on him given his other views on race and sex. #FlipFlop

5 In December 2021 he appeared on the Mermaids website for changing the lyrics to a song he wrote so it could be trans inclusive. Note they also celebrated the overturn of Bell v Tavistock. There was no joy for Keira Bell that year a young woman who was encouraged by Tavistock to

6 Mutilate herself. Keira went on to detransition and raise awareness. Her story is absolutely heartbreaking!


7 Last week Billy decided to try and provoke @jk_rowling by retweeting a video of an interview with Graham Norton, his comments on cancel culture and Norton saying he had kept out of trans issues. Billy said Norton's views on cancel culture were "really good".

8 Norton said it wasn't so much cancel culture as it was accountability culture. Norton left twitter when his hypocrisy was pointed out. Rowling is constantly at the receiving end of death and rape threats for standing up for women's rights and having the view that women should

9 Have their own safe space in society. The vile abuse she receives it seems is ok in Billy's book, after all bearded men are wise beyond their contradictory words.

10 Yesterday Billy decided to weigh in again, this time on the story of a female rape survivor's request for female only care while in hospital. This woman wanted all female care while she was at her most vulnerable, recovering from a life saving surgery. The private hospital in

11 London which specialises in Women's procedures cancelled her operation. In a reference to Norton's comments on cancel culture last week Billy goes on to mock her by asking if she was cancelled for asking for all female care. #BillyBragg

12 Billy Bragg's total lack of respect for this woman's predicament is absolutely horrifying. She's a rape survivor and now she's being publicly mocked by a man who uses his platform to spew vile racist and sexist views. His lack of awareness is simply mind-blowing!

13 Perhaps like Norton it's time for Billy to step away from twitter, if he does decide to stay I'd strongly urge him to reflect on his views and step off the soapbox for awhile, it isn't as sturdy as it used to be. #BillyBragg

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