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Oct 20, 2022, 13 tweets

The Gibson Girl made her 1st appearance in the 1890s as a collection of illustrations published in LIFE Magazine created by Charles Dana Gibson 1867-1944. He wanted to personify the ideal of womanhood & femininity based on their looks, their fashion tastes and their interests

The success these unreal women had was such that Gibson Girls became the aim to follow for American women. Basically he drew MTFs.
The Kardashians are modern-day Gibson Girls, covert trann-ees

Charles Gibson’s illustrations made women across the world strive to match and follow the idealised image, creating a national beauty standard for American women. For REAL women this was unattainable because the Gibson Girl was a Male to Female transgender depiction.

Men sought after women who looked like a Gibson girl. Just like today they are lusting after men!

Many women posed for the Gibson Girl-style illustrations, including Gibson’s wife, Irene Langhorne, who was probably the original model. Photos of famous Gibson Girl models below. 1901/1902

The Gibson Girl was presented as a gorgeous woman with a great sense of fashion.

The most famous of his models were the actress Camille Clifford (left) and the supermodel of the day, Evelyn Nesbit (right)

Charles' wife, Irene Langhorne

Charles Dana Gibson works on a portrait, 1939

Evelyn Nesbit – model for the iconic Gibson girls illustrations

The Gibson Girl became the standard beauty image. She set the standard for beauty and behaviour.

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