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TXT moa // 🌟 ao3 — letsdancestarlight

Oct 20, 2022, 45 tweets

a yeonbin au where —

actor sb has a major crush on fellow actor yj. he freaks out and celebrates when he sees #yeonbin trending on twitter...only to be speechless when fans are referring to yj and another celebrity. excuse me? yeonbin is HIS ship name with yj

(Im sorry cb…this is for the plot)

And that’s the end!!! ✨✨✨ thank you for reading! This was my first socmed au so if the pacing is weird and this feels choppy, it’s because im still getting used to this form of storytelling. I kinda viewed each update as a new “chapter” but didn’t even put anything to indicate

it…so…yeah idk what I was thinking. I’m not sure if I’m gonna do more aus like this in the future, but maybe if I get inspired 🤔🤔 (high possibility tbh). I will definitely continue writing and posting on ao3 (user letsdancestarlight). Once again, thanks following along 💕💕🥰

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