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Oct 21, 2022, 7 tweets

PM @narendramodi has always acknowledged the contribution of Shramjeevis in the progress of the country.

Some recent examples of his connect with the makers of India

PM interacting with Shramjeevis at Kedarnath today


PM @narendramodi interacting with Railwaymen drivers of Vande Bharat Express at Amb Andura, Una on October 13, 2022



PM @narendramodi interacting with the engineers and staff of Vande Bharat Express at Gandhinagar Station



A key responsibility lies with you

PM @narendramodi interacting with Cheetah Mitras at Kuno Park on 17 Sept 2022



Today a culture of respect for #Shramjivis is being developed and a tradition is being revived in the new India.

PM @narendramodi's interaction with the makers of new India during the inauguration of Kartavya Path, 8 Sept 2022


PM @narendramodi interacting with #Shramjivis after the inauguration of the National Emblem at New Parliament Building, 7th July 2022


When it comes to sensitivity in policies, decisions become equally sensitive. Therefore, the country is now taking pride in its labor force.

PM @narendramodi at New Parliament Construction site - 26 September 2021



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