Nate Shively Profile picture
ID doc at @AHNtoday. Med. Director, ASP at Allegheny Valley. Husband and father of 3. Prefers being outdoors. Used to be a good bowler. Opinions my own.

Oct 22, 2022, 12 tweets

Oral Therapy for Bacteremia and Endocarditis

@IDwithNWD giving talk for @BradSpellberg

"No, you're not in the wrong room, and @BradSpellberg did not get younger and more handsome."


Historical lesson first.

Where did the myth that we need IV for IE come from?

Have to go back a ways.


The dooming quote.


Oral antibiotic blood levels.


Reality check - no data that IV is better, and it's riskier.


Score card of trials. Doesn't look good for IV.


Here's the data for oral vs IV in osteo.


And the data for bacteremia.


And finally, endocarditis.

I cut off the funnel plot on the one, sorry.





Bunch of RCTs for oral, no contrary studies for IV.


Finally, when to switch.

Fantastic talk from @IDwithNWD, standing in flawlessly for @BradSpellberg.


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