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Oct 22, 2022, 9 tweets

Miko Peled attends antisemitic far right events and featured on a Palestinian Deep Dive event with Huda Ammori.

Ammori is co-founder of Palestine Action who damage businesses with even tenuous links to Israel.

Their high profile activist is Holocaust denier Sarah Wilkinson…

Ammori appeared on discredited Prof David Miller’s antisemitic conspiracy show “Palestine Declassified” on Iran state TV. So much for human rights!

She was also on #LabourFiles making the ridiculous claim that Corbyn’s Labour didn’t talk about the Israel/Palestinian conflict

Ammori was unhappy about complaints about UK antisemitism taking attention. On Mint Press News she calls it “tricks”

Mint Press News are infamous for posting fake news about Assad not being responsible for gassing civilians……

Ammori previously appeared on Mint Press News with Palestine Action co-founder Richard Barnard. He was reported to have described convicted terrorists as “heroes” and Ammori as falsely accusing Israel of testing weapons on children.

Miko Peled also featured on Mint Press News..

Ammori also appeared on disgraced Labour MP Chris Williamson’s Resist event. She was alongside characters who many Jewish people will recognise, and not for good reasons.

People too toxic for the Labour Party, in an event by a group proscribed by the Labour Party…

The high court even ruled one of them was a “notorious antisemite”.

Ammori started with the toxic PSC, & then steered fake Jewish group “Jewish Network for Palestine”.

Their founder has links to the pro -Iran Islamic Human Rights Commission & spoke at their pro-Hezbollah rally.

His website is a gallery for antisemitic cartoonist Carlos Latuff

Palestine Deep Dive which Hudi Ammori and Miko Peled appeared on was founded by Labour MP Grahame Morris

All that is left for these people are desperate attempts to whitewash the facts using willing partners such as Al Jazeera.

“let us take the cash” from the Labour Party so they “can’t give it to whistleblowers” and “friends of the Jewish Chronicle”

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