Lauryn Ipsum Profile picture
Artist • Eisner Nominated Graphic Designer • purveyor of unhinged postcards • (IG: @Laurynipsum) (she/her)

Oct 23, 2022, 23 tweets

Gals and ghouls, it is finally time for unhinged Victorian greeting cards, Halloween edition.

As usual, we start with highlights.

Vengeful jack-o-lanterns
A produce caravan
A pumpkin man contemplating cannibalism and mortality

Now as you may know, Halloween has roots in the ancient Gaelic festival of Samhain. It marks the end of the harvest season, & is thought to be when the when the boundary between this world and the otherworld thinned, allowing the spirits of forgotten produce to re-enter our world

Every jack-o-lantern left to rot, every vegetable that went bad before you had a chance to eat it—this is the time of year when their souls walk the earth again.

And what do they do when here?
Some come seeking romance, courting both humans and fellow gourds.

Others for dancing and merriment

Having rarely ventured out far into the world during their lives, many are overcome with a deep wanderlust. And so, using whatever means of transportation is at their disposal—be it automobile, hot air balloon, or cat—they gleefully ride off into the night to explore

Surprisingly popular is hot air balloon, as both rider, and balloon. (Yes, of course some can fly)

Others prefer to go with the more traditional method of the season, the broomstick

If unable to secure their own means of transportation, some will allow themselves to become the vehicles. It’s still a great way to see the world. (This of course is where our famous gourd-car seen in the first post comes from)

Not all come with such pure intentions. Some return seeking vengeance on those who left them out on the porch to rot.

And so we leave offerings of food and drink, to appease these restless spirits. (This is where where we get trick-or-treating from)

Samhain is also the time of the crone (part of the triple goddess). The Goddess as Crone ruled autumnal harvest festivals and so she watches over all the pumpkin spirits.

And what of the devil? Yes, even produce faces judgement. Anything with a soul does. Those who are not pure of heart are strung up and paraded around as jack-o-lanterns once again in death.

Time for a brief interlude.

Ahhh yes, of course, the great Halloween fence.

Now where were we?
Here, have some more deeply cursed cards.

Halloween is a magical time, filled with uncertainty, hope, despair, happiness, and acorns.

Halloween is a time for play…

For tricks and treats…

For romance…

For spooks and scares…

But most importantly, Halloween is a time to get a butter knife and gleefully saw through your fellow pumpkin-man’s head as a crowd of your peers watches and cheers.

Happy Halloween one and all

P.S. Yes, The Great Pumpkin is real. He is a mighty God-king, and he expects both your worship and fealty.

It is in your best interest not to disappoint him.

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