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Animal lover. End factory farming, trophy hunting, the captivity of wild animals, and the exploitation of animals.

Oct 23, 2022, 19 tweets

Welcome to Mesa, AZ where gun toting people videotape voters’ faces and license plates at ballot drop boxes while they cover their faces and license plates. This man was there on Friday and Saturday night.

These two gun toting yahoos from last night were the same two wearing tactical vests on Friday night.

Looks like this isn’t tough guy’s first rodeo. Check him out protesting the MAR-A-LAGO raid. Bet he was at Capitol on J6.

Here is the same guy at the AZ Capitol in August crying that MAR A LAGO was raided by the FBI.

Correction: FBI office. He is with two of the women from this weekend at Mesa drop box.

Here is the man and two of the woman protesting the Mar a Lago FBI raid:


Here are three out of the four people who were intimidating voters this weekend at the #MESA #AZ #BALLOTDROPBOX. Pics below are from a protest at the PHX @FBI office. A different man at this protest was waving a Confederate flag.

Same folks from this weekend.

@CNN story about the #AZ #ballotbox “watchers.” Mr. and Mrs. Militia are getting famous.

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