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Technical analysis with a focus on Uranium and stock indexes. Specialising in Elliott Wave theory and Ichimoku. Developing cycles

Oct 24, 2022, 18 tweets

An updated 🧵on cycles :
1/ This thread is a summation on what I have learned about cycles. I designed it to provide newcomers to cycles with a ready made reference into the basic terms, labels and concepts

2/ There are two accounts that I follow in regards to cycles. They are @ColinSt30481392 and @airlovsky. Both lovely guys and very generous with their time and knowledge. If you want to learn more about cycles, these are two accounts to follow.

3 / Most of this work is based around the concepts of Walter Bressert if you want to read up more on him and his cycle work.

4 / Cycle basics

5 / Basic cycle labelling

6 / Trend lines, half cycles and pivots

7 / Translation and failed cycles

8 / The intermediate cycle

9 / The yearly cycle

10 / Reading the chart

11 / Lingo

12 / Indicators - Williams %R

13 / Indicators - True strength index ( TSI )

14 / Indicators - RSIMOD

15 / Cycle envelopes

16 / Important 🚨🚨
As I have mentioned, both Malcolm and Alex are very generous with their time and knowledge. If you wish to ask them a question, then please be respectful of their time and only ask considered questions.

17 / As with all analysis, cycles are not the holy grail and any analysis will at times be wrong. As with Elliott wave, don't expect too much, but more consider cycle positioning in context to your trading decisions.

18 / I may update this thread with more detail in the future as my own understanding expands. Depending on demand, I might also produce some educational videos on the subject of cycles and some practical application examples. Thank you. End.

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