GamER MD Profile picture
Physician, Patient Advocate, and Hardcore Gamer. Always play all the exclusives! #BePlatformAgnostic The opinions shared here are my own!

Oct 25, 2022, 5 tweets

The Islamic Republic and it’s representatives are a fascist theocratic regime. They are evil in the truest sense of the word and beat, rape, terrorize, and kill not only their own people but travel across borders to do the same. 🧵

We must unite to rid the world of them like we did with the Nazis!!! They are an existential threat to global peace and stability. We would have a significantly more stable and prosperous Middle East if those monsters were kicked from power! NOW IS THE TIME TO ACT!!!

Isolate the government, pull out of the JCPOA, expel all of their diplomats from across the globe, freeze all of their assets, deport all of their families, declare the IRGC a terrorist organization. If we could put Hitler down in WWII… we can do the same to the mullahs in 2022!

I stand in solidarity with the people of Iran and their fight to rid themselves from the shackles of these tyrants. I wish them Godspeed in their revolution and I salute the brave Women, Children, and Men who are fighting this fight and sacrificing their lives for this cause!

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