Joseph Allen Profile picture
Assoc Prof at Harvard; Exposure and Risk Science; Direct Harvard #HealthyBuildings Program; Coauthor of HEALTHY BUILDINGS w/ HBS Prof Macomber

Oct 25, 2022, 7 tweets

SCHOOLS: I'm presenting today for a State DPH on steps schools can take on ventilation. Re-sharing some things I hope people find helpful (all available since summer 2020)

Simple #HealthyBuilding strategies: more ventilation, better filtration, portable air cleaners, VERIFY

But, as I've been saying since March 2020, you can't just say 'more outdoor air' without giving a specific target. My recs is 4-6 ACH.

How can I determine if my classroom is meeting these targets? We have a simple 5-step guide for how to do this.

If you're using CO2 to determine ventilation, the 'how to' is covered in the 5-step guide. You can also use our cool little tool to help set a target CO2 level based on your ACH target. (works for offices and any other place, too! link to tool:…

If you're using portable air cleaners, but not sure how to size them for the room, we have a tool for that, too. (rule of thumb: look for CADR of 300 for every 500 square feet)

The multiple benefits beyond covid and infectious disease are well-documented for every age group, and go well-beyond air quality (blow up the pic and read that table (!)

Full report here:

All tools and resources can be found on the Harvard #HealthyBuildings program website:

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