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prologue: hi | if non-heejakeists DNI | works are in my moments 🫶🏻 | rps

Oct 25, 2022, 25 tweets

✨Behind the Cameras✨

a short #heejake au wherein keu wanted to surprise hee, since (1) it was his birthday and (2) it was their first time celebrating it in a different country...(3) he wanted hee to feel special just as he is to him

—wasn't able to post much on hee's bday, so ngayong heejake day ko 'to ilalapag🥳

—note that this is a WORK OF ✨FICTION✨











–this was a few days before oct. 14

especially (of) on hee's bday




cw: sexual inuendos

‼️if you read the previous narration then alam niyo na po kung bakit late na ni keu pinost yung b-day greeting niya😉





^^bonus 🔞

—wahahahha so yun na nga, i hypothetically think na 'yun 'yung nangyari noong bday ni seung /j.

—you can share your thoughts here ^^

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