Jeff Gadsden Profile picture
Husband | Dad of 4 | Anesthesiologist | Educator | Co-host of podcast @BlockIt_Hot_Pod #GotBlock? #POCUS

Oct 25, 2022, 5 tweets

Morning #Blocktober22 crew!! It's the 25th and today we want to do a little group project! We all have our go-to papers that we share with trainees/colleagues--impactful, practice-changing studies that we love....🧵 @ASRA_Society @ESRA_Society @AoraIndia @LasraAnestesia #ANES22

@ASRA_Society @ESRA_Society @AoraIndia @LasraAnestesia @amit_pawa @EMARIANOMD @ajrmacfarlane @ESchwenkMD @galusweegie @claralexlobo @Steve_Coppens @KalagaraHari @SreeHPraveenKO1 @rljohnsonmd Let's all share our favorites--the ones that we pull out again and again and use to make important teaching points. #Blocktober22 I'll start with this one showing the incidence of sub-perineurial dye spread with intracluster supraclav injection.

I also like this one...I frequently have to gently suggest that trainees choose a more caudal insertion site for neuraxial. Then pull out the US probe and show where they were GOING to go. Frequently L1/L2 😳 #Blocktober22 @Anaes_Journal

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