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Oct 25, 2022, 8 tweets

The Event of Bhagavati meeting Chathappan....

The emotional story behind this event goes lie this.. Thread follows...

The deity worshipped in the festival is ‘Pediaattu Bagavathi’. The goddess is known in different names


like Amma, Neelavatteri Amma, Devi, Pediaattu Amma, or even as Kadalundi Amma.

Jathavan.. Or Chathappan was the son of Pediyattu Bhagavati..

One day.. Jathavan was to leave for Anual festivals of Valayanadu Devi( Valayanad Bhagavathi is the family deity...

of the Zamorin Kings (Ilayidath Swaroompam), who ruled Kozhikode)..

Valayanadu Devi.. is one of the Saktheya temples where pujas are performed in accordance with practice of Ruruji worship. The priests of this temple do pooja

according to "Saktheya" injunctions. They are Moosads who follow the Kashimiri way of worshipping. The Sreechakra, designed by the great Sivayogi Thayyavur Sivasankar, remains in the sanctum sanctorum, where the presence of the goddess is believed to be ever present.

Now.. Since.. shakteya mode is not seen as a pure mode of worship where meat and alcohol is served, Pediyattu devi (who is a satvik mode worshipped) told chathappan to not go.. Defying mothers order, Chathappan went to Valayanadu devi..

Up on his visit, Valayanadu devi

served the offerings, which Chathappan denied to take remembering his mothers worlds.

This angered Valayanadu devi and she spilled her offerings which made Chathappan forbidden to the abode of Pediyattu Bhagavati.

Bhagavati.. then gave Chathappan a separate place for him..

and.. promised him that she will come every year when he goes to Kadalundi, she will come along and meet him..

This event of meeting of mother and son is celebrated as a big festival in Kadalundi in Kerala.. and.. People gather in big numbers to take blessings


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