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Oct 25, 2022, 25 tweets

The Rise of the Dragon artwork thread. Part 1.

Aftermath of the Doom of Valyria | Dragonstone

King Torrhen Stark, King Argilac, Princess Meria Martell, King Mern IX + King Loren and their armies

Aegon the Conquer and Balerion burning Harrenhal | Ronnel Arryn with Visenya

Lodos and his followers | The Defenestration of Sunspear

Oldtown attacked | Deria brings Prince Nymor’s letter | Raising the Walls of King’s Landing | Aegon the Conquerors funeral pyre

Aegon the Conquerors court | Aenys and Maegor

Approaching Lannisport | Lord Orys’ revenge

Maegor departs King’s Landing | Maegor and Visenya come to Oldtown

The trial of Seven | Tyanna of the Tower | the High Septon’s Crystal Crown | the Poor Fellows attack Maegor’s loyalists

Liberating Dreamfyre and Quicksilver from King’s Landing | the Death of Aegon the Uncrowned

The Black brides | the death of Tyanna

Jaehaerys proclaimed | the wedding of Jaehaerys and Alysanne | Lord Walton Stark is killed by giants | Alys Westhill’s discovery

Aerea and Rhaella Targaryen, daughters of Prince Aegon (the Uncrowned) and Princess Rhaena Targaryen | Princess Aerea in disguise

The Young King | Jaehaerys’ returns to King’s Landing

Rhaena’s wedding to Androw Farman | The Golden Wedding

Rhaena with the greedy Lannisters | the redesign of King’s Landing

Alysanne at the Citadel | Balerion in the Dragonpit | Viserys first flight | Viserra’s last ride

Andrew Farman leaps to his death | Jaehaerys meets with the leaders of the Free Cities

Silverwing at the wall | Vaegon and Daella

The War of the Hundred Candles | Princess Saera is removed

The death of Borys Baratheon | The death of Rego Draz

The wedding of Rhaenys Targaryen and Corlys Velaryon | the death of Prince Aemon

The Great Council of 101 AC | King Jaehaerys’ funeral pyre

Part 2 coming soon, hopefully 😩

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