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金培力 CCTV FOLLIES at Fulbright, Knight, Nieman Fellow.

Oct 26, 2022, 17 tweets

TV News is getting more strident:
-China news:
Mao-era tropes of red militancy, singing praise of Xi and ponderous party pronunciamentos
World news:
Russia's Ukraine operation, US meddling and weapons supply, US sanctions and German gas shortages.

"China will definitely achieve complete reunification"

Rocket science news is followed by
Science of distillation (commercial)

Good morning!
It's 7AM. A good time to be advertising hard liquor that tastes like rocket fuel

And over to you, Moscow!
The usual over-the-top aerial shots from the Russian Defense Ministry.
Igor's sparkling segment rarely disappoints.

Is CCTV giving more time to Russia since Xi's clinching of total control?
It seems so.

And a military photo from Ukraine, but don't blink, you might miss it.

The news readers talking about the "dirty bomb" again and they go on about it for a long time.

Russia tells UN Ukraine is planning to use dirty bomb.

There is another point of view on this, and CCTV gives Ukraine time for a quick rebuttal, but in the devious ways of Russian propaganda, the damage is already don

They seed an idea in public domain, plant false flags. Even if refuted, it's an indignity just in having to deny it

"Fanning the Flames" (TM) gets extended play this morning in keeping with CCTV's editorial policy of sticking it the US, a bad, failing, war-mongering hegemon that is headed for collapse.

The report talks about the possible sale of Hawk missiles to Ukraine.
CCTV provides file footage of various anti-aircraft systems.

It really goes on and on.

Chinese propaganda is rooted in repetition.

And some familiar "adding oil to the fire" shots of US weapons being unloaded. Viewers have been spoon-fed these stock photos and file shots over and over...

...for six months now.

CCTV's next rigid wooden category which gets its own theme screen is of course the European energy crisis caused by illegal and unjust US sanctions.
Lots of gas station shots, with an emphasis on poor suffering Germany.

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